Part 10

Hello everyone, and welcome back to King's Quest IV. We just have a few puzzles left until we're locked in the end sequence, so the end of the game is in sight! A worse fate yet awaits us still.
So let's see what this young boy wants.

A trapdoor has opened and a ladder has lowered in this smaller bedroom.

Rather than deal with the ladder four times, we'll just go dig up his grave.

That's a pretty rad toy, not gonna lie. A miniature version of the Trojan Horse and all.

I was gonna make a joke about Rosella being super slow at climbing the ladder, but it does make sense. There's no telling just how old it is, and if it will even support her weight. So good on her for being careful.

>look ghost

>give toy to ghost


>open chest
>look in chest

To get back down, we have to approach the edge of the trapdoor and type >climb down. Be careful on the right edge of the trapdoor. Everywhere else won't let you walk off, but you can there.

Anyway, the sheet music was the whole reason we've been running errands for ghosts. I mentioned way back in one of the first updates that the only thing in the tower above the manor was an old pipe organ. So guess where we're going...

I want to preface this next section by saying that I actually like this game. I know in all the nitpicking and complaining that I do that it can be easy to lose sight of that. I'm not gonna claim it's a good game, but I like it regardless. It's markedly less bullshit than previous "wait 16 minutes on a pirate ship" entries "put bridle on snake" in the "Ifnkovhgroghprm" series.
I say all of that to give context to my next complaint.

After 3 games of spiral staircases working one way, Sierra changed it for no particularly good reason. Do you see where the stairs start approaching the screen again?

It's right around where Rosella is now. When you disappear behind the stairs, the up and down controls are reversed. Pressing down to make Rosella move toward the camera will have her moving back down the stairs instead.

It's not so bad going up, because you can just mash your face against the tower wall and slowly creep your way up. But when going down the stairs? You will die and you will die over and over and over again. Even knowing that the up and down controls are reversed, you will be caught off guard by it every fucking time it happens.
It's not limited to this staircase, either. Lolotte's castle is infested with spiral staircases, and the control reversing happens on every one of them. I can't even begin to guess why someone would program the controls to work this way. It makes absolutely no sense. The only reasons that come to mind all involve the developers having antipathy for the players. That's a dangerous road to start down before King's Quest 5.

When you get up here, be very sure to type the right command.
>play music is not the same as >play sheet music

The sheet music is the right command, as it will actually progress things along. I'm also kind of amazed that the sheet music wasn't just reusing Toccata and Fugue in D-minor.

We're over on this screen again. I've mentioned a crypt a few times, and you can see it just in front of Rosella here.
>look crypt

>open door

>unlock door

You ever get the feeling that you weren't supposed to be somewhere? This crypt gives me that feeling.

>get rope

>climb down

>look mummy

>look box

Alright, while Rosella walks out, I want to show off a very special death that you will never see in normal play. To even get to this point, you have to have the scarab. I've been informed that if you don't have it, you will be killed when entering or leaving the mansion. A zombie will jump out of the hedges and condemn Rosella to wander eternally as one of the damned.
So what happens if you somehow get into the crypt without the scarab?

Here we are way back at the start of the game. I've called in some help for this one. Goombella and Professor, if you wouldn't mind...
>overtime nosleep


Thanks to those friendly archaeologists for coming out of retirement to help me show that off. Back to the game already in progress...
Going to cut the update here, but let's leave off on doing something monumentally stupid.
>open pandora's box

NEXT TIME: The endgame of King's Quest IV.
List of Points
+3 - Exhumed a toy horse
+2 - Made a dead little boy happy
+2 - Got some old sheet music
+4 - Played creepy music
+2 - Looted skeleton key
+3 - Entered the forbidden crypt
+2 - Lowered the ladder
+4 - Legendary source of all evil
Register of Deaths
Taking a Shortcut from the Attic
Opening Pandora's Box. You moron.